Sending Bug Reports via SMTP makes currently no sense

delphi package - automated exception handling
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Sending Bug Reports via SMTP makes currently no sense

Post by Outertech »

I've tried using the send via SMTP reporting functions with 8 different email providers today. It didn't work.

The reason is that if you enter SMTP data of any of the mail providers into the madExcept UI, email sending will only work if the source email address the the same address that belongs to the smtp account.


You have the email address

You enter the Gmail SMTP login data into MadExcept.

In your app an exceptions happens.

The user clicks on the send report button.

He is asked for his email address.

The user enters as his email address.

Madexcept then generated an email.


And tries to send it using the Gmail SMTP server.

The whole business fails because the Gmail SMTP accepts emails only when the sender is, but not with the sender

All the user gets is a message that the sending didn't work.

I have tried 8 different email services includsing GMail, Yahoo, and I've of course also tried our company's SMTP server, but our admin will never agree in disabling security in our SMTP server.

There is only one solution to this problem and it's very easy.

When sending the bug report email Madexcept needs to send it from to, and include the users email adress in the first line of message body, so that the user can be contacted.


Madshi, I know you are currently very busy, but with SMTP server sending (emails get rejected by target servers), SMTP client sending, and Mantis sending not working, the report function in Madexept is almost useless right now. I hope it can be fixed soon (I have purchased a license yesterday).
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Re: Sending Bug Reports via SMTP makes currently no sense

Post by madshi »

Well, this used to work. Maybe all the providers (or many of them) changed their logic to block more spam, I'm not sure.

In any case, it should be easy for you to workaround by adding this code to the initialization of your project:

Code: Select all

uses ..., madExcept;


  madExcept.SmtpMailFrom := '';
Can you confirm that this "fixes" the issue? If so, maybe I should do this automatically.

Actually, the above should work even better than what you suggest, because madExcept should still set the "reply to" header field to the real end user's email address. So replying to the email should reach the user, and we don't have to actually add the email address to the first line of the mail body.
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