GetCallingModule bug?

c++ / delphi package - dll injection and api hooking
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GetCallingModule bug?

Post by iconic »

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program blah;


  Windows, SysUtils, madCodeHook;

  WriteLn('GetCallingModule(): 0x' + IntToHex(GetCallingModule(), 8));
The address returned in my case is always 0x7C800000 (kernel32.dll) when it should be 0x00400000 by default since I didn't manually set the imagebase. A strange console application bug with this function? My own GetCallingModule version in my hook library returns the correct base, this is how I noticed the difference. I validate EBP - 4 first then if it's invalid use EBP + 4 to get the return address. I take it you're probably looking at the stack layout to determine calling conventions at run-time in your version? If I place the same call to GetCallingModule() in a separate function I get the correct result, perhaps this is just merely a stackframe issue?

I'm using mch 2.x by the way.

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