Finding message boxes/dialogs poppped up from different pgms

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Finding message boxes/dialogs poppped up from different pgms

Post by ChuckK »

I'm wondering whether madKernel would let me write a process or program or thread of execution that can detect when a dialog box gets displayed so that I can close it.

I want to have a PC running a multimedia playback show, and periodically I'll get dialogs popping up. Some are serious (like a program fault in a playback module); some aren't so serious (like a "Your virtual memory was increased" alert). However I don't want ANY of them to stay on the screen for any length of time.

So can I use madKernel to write something that can detect when a new dialog or window opens and determine that it's "unwanted" and then close it? Better yet - anyone already done this?

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Post by madshi »

With madKernel you could just poll (ask for windows every second or something like that). The windows would still pop up, though, which is ugly.

I'd suggest having a look at SetWindowsHookEx. Using this API you can ask to be notified about new window creations. You can then even totally block windows from being displayed in the first place.
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