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changing the assistant creator

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:52 am
by emailaya

i changed the messages and captions to hebrew
but when i press play, i get an error: cannot focus on an invisible to disabled control twice
and then the window appears ok

the third time it happend, all the ide got stuck

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:03 pm
by emailaya
more data:

its enough to change the Contact Information (message of the ContactForm)
to get the above message

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:06 pm
by madshi
Please try the latest beta build:

The problem should be already fixed in that build.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:07 pm
by emailaya
thanks, but when exiting the wizard
saving the project and re-entering the madexcept wizard
it works ok

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:12 pm
by emailaya
where can i see what other changes are in this beta?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:13 pm
by madshi
When you install the beta it will show you a list of changes.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:23 pm
by emailaya
its a little tricky
since this is a beta - i prefer not to install it

but i still want to know what changes were put into it :)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:32 pm
by madshi
madExcept 3.0a
(1) send assistant: email syntax is verified now
(2) line breaks in except message are not removed, anymore
(3) canContinue can be reset to "true" if it once was "true"
(4) ExceptActionHandler: "handled := true" didn't work
(5) ExceptActionHandler was called for "stDontSync", only
(6) sometimes an outdated bug report was mailed
(7) "%exceptMsg%": exception message is nicer formatted now
(8) memory leak fixed
(9) dll init/final exception -> incomplete bug report
(a) undocumented global variable "ShowBugReportKey" added
(b) HandleContact/ScreenshotForm OnAction handlers exported
(c) http upload redirection support added
(d) some minor http upload bugs fixed
(e) "exception number" added to bug report header
(f) TThread.Synchronize exception catcher didn't like EAbort
(g) thread exception frame more forgiving now

madNVAssistant 1.0a
(1) memory leak fixed
(2) INVForm.Name added
(3) INVForm.Skip added
(4) INVAssistant.Form renamed to "Forms" (index search)
(5) INVAssistant.Form added (name search)
(6) global OnAssistantCreate handler added
(7) INVEdit.Colored added
(8) INVEdit.Valid added
(9) pressing [X] on assistant forms behaved incorrectly
(a) "Abort" renamed to "Cancel" everywhere
(b) "Visible" property added for main buttons
(c) font "Tahoma" used now instead of "MS Sans Serif"
(d) main buttons in "NoOwnerDraw" style are now smaller
(e) ContinueButton now said "Next >" instead of "Continue"
(f) NoOwnerDraw + hidden SkipBtn -> ContinueBtn pos. changed
(g) INVLabel/Button/CheckBox.Caption is now writable

madNVBitmap 1.0a
(1) some fixes for multi monitor support
(2) INVBitmap.AsBmpStr/AsPngStr added

madExceptPatcher 1.1a
(1) "show please wait box" setting was incorrectly stored
(2) "AbortBtn" renamed to "CancelBtn"
(3) "include min. debug info" forces "show addr offset" on
(4) superfluous "icon" logging removed

madExceptWizard 3.0a
(1) assistant checkboxes incorrectly showed "some text"
(2) assistant creator: testing forms sometimes crashed
(3) multiple attachments were not saved correctly
(4) several changes for big fonts
(5) "AbortBtn" renamed to "CancelBtn"
(6) "Visible" property added for main buttons
(7) "include min. debug info" forces "show addr offset" on

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:00 pm
by emailaya
thanks for the details

when does the final release should be out?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:04 pm
by madshi
Don't know exactly, hopefully soon.