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How to obtain a "bug" report outside of an exception?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:16 pm
by StephaneGrobety

I need to implement something similar to the "madTraceProcess" but from a different machine.

I have the following context:

- A distributed message queue is already implemented. It will be the trigger and delivery mechanism.
- This message queue is executed in the context of a background thread.
- It needs to be able to reply to a "getTrace" message by obtaining a process trace in text form (as much as possible, without interrupting any other threads).

At first glance, all I really need is something that does the same as madTraceProcess but from within the process itself (which ought to be simple).

How should I go about implementing this?

Re: How to obtain a "bug" report outside of an exception?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:21 pm
by madshi
In theory simply calling "someAnsiStrVar := madExcept.CreateBugReport()" should provide you with a full report of what the process is doing. Hope it works for you?

Re: How to obtain a "bug" report outside of an exception?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 5:30 pm
by StephaneGrobety
Perfect, thanks.

(Getting real time status of dozens of applications used by dozens of users in near real-time is like magic :D )