I'm using madExcept to report resource leaks in Delphi EXEs, and I can see that when a leak is found in a regular desktop EXE it writes the details to a text file (.mbr) on the Windows desktop. However I now want to track down a leak in a Windows service EXE, and I can't find where the details are reported. I can't see a file created on the desktop, or in the same folder as the service EXE. Where should I be looking? I have the usual setting recommended for service applications : exception filter-->all other exception classes-->don't show anything. I have purposely made a leak so I know it should be reporting something.
Many thanks,
Reporting resource leaks in Windows service
Re: Reporting resource leaks in Windows service
Try calling this API exported by madExcept.pas:
Code: Select all
// Force leak reporting to save the report to a specific file.
// The report will always be saved and not displayed in the viewer.
procedure SetLeakReportFile (const leakReportFile: UnicodeString);
Re: Reporting resource leaks in Windows service
Thank you so much, that's sorted it!