package madExcept_.bpl/madBasic_.bpl/etc cannot be found

contains all delphi packages mentioned below
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Re: package madExcept_.bpl/madBasic_.bpl/etc cannot be found

Post by crefird »

Yes, it is a typo. All are BPL
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Re: package madExcept_.bpl/madBasic_.bpl/etc cannot be found

Post by crefird »

Yes it was a typo. But your comment made me look again at the files I placed in the path. I had copied madDisAsm_.BPI instead of madDisAsm_.BPL. When I replaced the BPI file with the BPL file, the problem was solved.

It was easy for me to not recognize the difference between "i" and "l" - my eyes are not as good as they used to be.
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Re: package madExcept_.bpl/madBasic_.bpl/etc cannot be found

Post by madshi »

Glad to hear you got it solved. Would have been out of ideas otherwise... :D
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Re: package madExcept_.bpl/madBasic_.bpl/etc cannot be found

Post by kbsmd »

It seems to be an issue that occurs when reinstalling MadCollection after removal. The problem arises when MadCollection is installed while VCLs that use MadCollection are already installed.

To resolve the issue, you need to back up and remove only the VCLs using MadCollection from the registry at \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\19.0\Known Packages, and then restore the registry entries from the backup.

Steps for backing up, removing, and restoring the registry:
1. Export \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\19.0\Known Packages.
2. Open the exported *.reg file in a text editor and remove everything except the VCLs using MadCollection.
3. Delete the VCLs using MadCollection from the registry at \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\19.0\Known Packages.
4. Execute the modified backup registry file to register the VCLs again.

This method worked for me.
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Re: package madExcept_.bpl/madBasic_.bpl/etc cannot be found

Post by madshi »

Yeah, the problem is caused by Delphi loading the packages in the order in which the registry values were created. So if you uninstall madCollection and then reinstall it, the BPLs linking to madCollection will be loaded first, but the IDE doesn't know where to find the madCollection packages because they're not in the search path.

There are 3 ways to solve this:

1) The way you suggested.
2) Removing and re-adding all the packages from/to the IDE that link to madCollection.
3) Add the madCollection BPL folder to the search path.
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