Disable madExcept for XE8

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Disable madExcept for XE8

Post by kolar »

I have strange issue where madExcept is causing to crash C++ Builder IDE during debugging. It happens on specific project in specific method / source line code. It happened all the time. At first I wasn't aware what is causing the issue. I have to reinstall IDE and add components one at the time. IDe with only minimum set of packages doesn't suffer from this issue. Then I found that after installing madCollection crashing appeared again. Is it possible to disable madExcept for IDE (bds.exe process) ? Will this disabling mean that madExcept code will not be added to executable binary ? Is it possible to disable madExcept for IDE but add madExcept code to compiled binary ? madCollection version is 2.8.13 but this problems happens also with 5.1.2. It happens only on new computer with Windows 11. On old computer with Windows 10 everything is OK.
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Re: Disable madExcept for XE8

Post by madshi »

Do you have madExceptIde_.bpl loaded in the IDE? If so, try just removing that but keeping everything else.
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